Health, Mind, Body and Spirit

Yoga for a Lack of Focus

Yoga for a Lack of Focus

It can happen anytime, anywhere, and often at the worst possible moment. Your mind wanders in every direction but where you need it to stay right now.

Moon Magick

Moon Magick

Of all the elements, Moon is our most natural ally and guide to our transformation.  Renewing and releasing, reflection and introspection, and beginning and endings are all inherent in the Moon’s natural 29-day cycle. 

DIY Enchanted Amulet

DIY Enchanted Amulet

Know full well that jewelry can be used as defense. Witches take it one step further by knowing the meaning, power, and properties of each stone and type of metal, and wielding that energy for the good of others and themselves.
Miracle Madras

Miracle Madras

This bracing Samhain cocktail celebrates two of Mother Nature’s great gifts
of northern climes: cranberry and maple syrup!
A Blaze of Autumn

A Blaze of Autumn

As the wheel of the year turns once more, moving into autumn doesn’t mean that all the light has gone. Summer’s hazy glow often lingers, stretching spectral fingers over the colourful landscape.
Breathing Heart: Calm stress and reset

Breathing Heart: Calm stress and reset

Since the heart and brain are constantly communicating, when we soothe our heart through this meditation we will also soothe our brain.
Exploring the Senses

Exploring the Senses

All mindfulness practices are about facilitating that shift from “doing” to “being” mode. A simple way to do this is to use our senses.
How to Live Mindfully, the Nordic Way

How to Live Mindfully, the Nordic Way

Despite all the benefits of the Nordic countries it’s clear there are still some things that aren’t perfect, but maybe because of this, we can gain wisdom from how the Nordics manage stress and overwhelm.
Tree Wisdom: Oak

Tree Wisdom: Oak

Even the sound of the word “oak” evokes steadfastness and trust, perhaps of the self...
Create a Meditation Space

Create a Meditation Space

Find a specific location in your home for your meditation space. This can be a dedicated room, corner of a room, or wherever you can carve out a space for yourself.
Manifestation Vision Boards

Manifestation Vision Boards

Making your own manifestation vision board is one of the most powerful and positive things you can do. Your unconscious mind will then concentrate on positive outcomes.
Self-Care for Busy Mothers

Self-Care for Busy Mothers

The powerful techniques in Self-care for Busy Mothers are intended to boost psychological health, help you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood and help you be the mother – and the YOU – that you want to be.