Candles are used by folks from all walks of life for relaxation, meditation, aromatherapy, and, most importantly, to achieve that “peaceful homey” feeling of being in your own sanctuary. This simple yet profound tool can make powerful magic.
Enhance your experience of pregnancy, birth and motherhood through learning mindfulness techniques that help improve your physical and emotional wellbeing. These short meditations, both formal and informal, allow you to focus on your baby and your growing bond.
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, a reminder of how important it is for us all to think – and talk – about our own mental and emotional health all year round. Here are some of our upcoming books written to help you deal with stress, navigate loss and realise your full potential.
As hugging someone else isn’t an option right now, hug yourself with this simple meditation from Everyday Self-Care. The gentle pressure on the heart space and the belly stimulates the release of oxytocin along with its benefits.
Happiness is as invisible as electricity, and just as powerful. We can feel its effects and see its impact, but everyone's description of what it does will be different. This extract from Lois Blyth's Be Happy outlines ways you can find happiness in your life.
Making “mind jars” is a fun craft and a great way to teach children about how mindfulness practice helps them calm down and focus. This simple exercise is an easy way to integrate mindfulness into your child's life. Try this simple mindfulness exercise with your child.
When we set up our space to be a reflection of what makes us feel safe, joyful, and peaceful, it helps us access our authentic core self. Being connected to that core is vital for magic and manifesting what you want for yourself.
Reiki is an amazingly simple but powerful form of spiritual healing practice in which the practitioner channels Reiki—universal life force energy—which is in and around every living being. This means Reiki is for everyone, because everyone has Reiki—it is a completely natural energy. Think of when a child falls and scrapes their knee: their parent places a hand on the knee for a few seconds, and the pain disappears—this is Reiki healing.
These simple practices can be done at home and can help you to identify moments of joy in your life. Our brains have what psychologists call a “negativity bias,” which means we pay more attention to negative events than positive ones. This serves an evolutionary purpose, because it means we’re attentive to danger, but sadly it also means we miss out on a lot of the small, ordinary joys. Below are some practices from Sarah Rudell Beach’s book And Breathe… that will help you pay more attention to the good (which is really good for you), and how to savor the fleeting moments of beauty that life offers us.